

AI loyalty: A New Paradigm for Aligning Stakeholder Interests  (IEEExplore, 2020)

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Law: Basic Questions  (Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI, 2020)

Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview  (Georgia State Law Review, 2018)

What to Teach Law Students About Artificial Intelligence and Law? (Northwestern L. Rev. Online, 2017)

Technological Opacity, Predictability, and Self-Driving Cars (2016)

Machine Learning and Law (Univ. of Washington Law Review, 2014)

Technological Cost as Law in Intellectual Property (Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 2013)

Computable Contracts (UC Davis Law Review, 2012)

Efficient Uncertainty in Patent Interpretation (Washington and Lee Law Review, 2011)

Structural Rights in Privacy (SMU Law Review, 2008)